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Miniature Knitting 3

Knitting for Dummies!

New A video that shows me knitting in miniature to give you an idea of the size needles and thread that I use.


I know that a lot of people come looking for free knitting patterns from me. I'm sorry that none are written up and to be honest they wouldn't fit a doll anyway -the requirements for a mannequin are less stringent than a doll. I am loathe to sell patterns that may not fulfill other people's expectations, and to give away free patterns would be unfair on other people who are trying to make a bit of a living from their own patterns.


Miniature knitting


Miniature Knitting
Miniature knitting


Miniature knitting




Miniature knitting


Miniature knitting
Miniature knitting


Miniature knitting



Miniature knitting


Miniature knitting
Miniature knitting


Miniature knitting



Miniature knitting


Miniature knitting


Miniature knitting



Miniature knitting




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